Network, data & WiFi
Almost all home and workplace electronic devices require a connection to a data network. The data network provides access to the internet and control of attached equipment. Your WiFi system enables you to wirelessly connect your home or workplace data network.
With so many electronic devices in the home using WiFi technology it is best that you have robust coverage wherever you are in the home.
We can design and install data network and WiFi systems that ensure you are always connected to the strongest available signal, whether you are in the study, kitchen or the garden.
Security and administration are important considerations; we can ensure that only you and people you authorise have the required access to the data network.
5 Thoughts about network.
Although most data network equipment have the ability to be connected by WiFi wirelessly , we would recommend that all fixed equipment like televisions and home desktop computers are connected directly to your home network to ensure the fastest possible speeds and most robust connection.
For portable type equipment such as smartphones, laptops and tablets WiFi is the best type of connection.
If you require more than a single location unit to cover your whole property with WiFi signal, you will need to install a system to get WiFi to all the areas of your property.
There are typically 3 types of WiFi distribution types that you can use.
WiFi Extenders: work wirelessly to extend the signal of primary WiFi unit, this type of unit will generally give slower speeds and can be unreliable in operation.
Mesh type: WiFi units are also wireless but enable faster speeds than extender units and are more reliable in operation,
Wired Access Points: give the fastest and most robust type of WiFi distribution. We always try and recommend our customers to use wired Access points for WiFi distribution.
The location of the WiFi distribution units is critical to ensure best coverage of the WiFi signal to all areas. With Ruckus WiFi Access points we are able to Heat map your property to identify the best locations for WiFi distribution.
Roaming is an important consideration for WiFi and having a WiFi Access point that always connects you to the strongest signal makes WiFi a great experience for everybody.
To ensure that the internet speed that is coming into your house is available to all connected devices, wired or WiFi, the correct choice of cable infrastructure and connections is important. Different types of network cable have a maximum speed capability, you can have the fastest incoming internet signal but without the correct cable and/or connection you are not guaranteed this at your connected device.
For the fastest and most ‘future resistant’ connections to critical equipment and/or applications, we recommend fibre optic cable. This type of cable and connection can be run long distances and is not susceptible to interference or degradation.
An often overlooked element of a data network is management. A properly managed data network will ensure that network traffic is properly segregated to ensure fastest speeds and quality of connection.
We always try to encourage our clients to also install network routers with cloud management software to enable remote management, configuration and troubleshooting - with this type of device installed we are often able to identify and fix network issues with our client’s system before they are aware that a problem exists.